Avui em iniciat un taller sobre les energies renovables,
unes de les activitats del programa Comènius. La Susana, la encarregada del
taller, ens ha presentat en forma de dossier el temari de les energies
renovables. Ens ha portat al pati de l`escola per poder provar algunes fonts
d`energia renovables (algunes, fins i tot, casolanes). Després ens hem
distribuït en diversos grups, i a cada una
se li ha assignat una maqueta corresponent.
Primer em identificat les diferents parts dels captadors d’energia de les maquetes,i hem pogut observar que aquestes fonts produeixen electricitat molt ràpidament ( menys la solar tèrmica que no produeix electricitat). Hem respòs un qüestionari sobre la nostre energia i cadascú ha après suficient d’aquesta energia com per després exposar la seva font/ maqueta als companys. Ha sigut una experiència molt bona per relacionar-nos més amb les energies renovables i observar que produeixen més energia del que pensàvem i tots hem observat la gran quantitat d’estalvi de Co2 que suposaria. IT’S EASY TO HELP THE ENVIROMENT !
9th April, before the breaktime, we’ve done a workshop about
renewable energies. This workshop was divided in four different parts, and
we’ve worked on the part of eolic energy. In this part we have done many
different activities about our energy, with a little turbine. Firstly, we have
identified the parts of the turbine. Secondly, we have started to learn about
the wind rose. We had to find all the types of winds and put them in the
correct cardinal point. After that, we have measured the wind speed, generated
by a ban because there wasn‘t any wind, with an anemometer. Finally, we have
done the activities that the worksheet proposed. Then we had to explain it in
front of the other Comenius’ students explaining them what we had done. The other parts of the workshop
were: the two types of solar energy and the hydroelectric energy.
Today we’ve made a workshop about renewable energies. There were four tables which were full of homemade scientific objects with some examples of how easy it is to use the renewable energies at home. We have been divided in four groups of four or five each .
Today we’ve made a workshop about renewable energies. There were four tables which were full of homemade scientific objects with some examples of how easy it is to use the renewable energies at home. We have been divided in four groups of four or five each .
Our group
worked over the thermal solar energy, and we’ve seen a solar captor which
worked with a plastic tube which had water inside, and it made a closed circuit
where water got warmer at a time.
After a
while, about fifteen minutes later, we checked the temperature inside the box,
and we notice that it was 78.4 Celsius
degrees. After more twenty minutes, it was ninety-four Celsius degrees.
The water came into the box through a tube, and
it went up through a s-shaped form, to
try to take advantage of the maximum distance of the tube. Then, it wents out
of the box through a tube which drove it to a water container , where it got
cold and it restarted the circuit.
We’ve had a
really great time this morning!!!
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